Exponent v2.7.2


Table of Contents

exponent.php 1
exponent_constants.php 2
framework/core/controllers/expController.php 11
framework/core/expFramework.php 8
framework/core/forms/basetemplate.php 2
framework/core/forms/controllertemplate.php 2
framework/core/forms/controls/bootstrap/checkboxcontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/controls/bootstrap/radiocontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/controls/bootstrap/uploadcontrol.php 2
framework/core/forms/controls/bootstrap3/listbuildercontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/controls/bootstrap3/uploadcontrol.php 2
framework/core/forms/controls/bootstrap3/yuicalendarcontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/controls/bootstrap4/uploadcontrol.php 2
framework/core/forms/controls/bootstrap4/yuicalendarcontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/controls/bootstrap5/uploadcontrol.php 2
framework/core/forms/controls/bootstrap5/yuicalendarcontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/controls/checkboxcontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/controls/htmleditorcontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/controls/jquery/calendarcontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/controls/jquery/listbuildercontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/controls/jquery/popupdatetimecontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/controls/jquery/yuicalendarcontrol.php 2
framework/core/forms/controls/jquery/yuidatetimecontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/controls/statescontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/controls/tagtreecontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/controls/uploadcontrol.php 2
framework/core/forms/controls/yuicalendarcontrol.php 1
framework/core/forms/filetemplate.php 1
framework/core/forms/formtemplate.php 1
framework/core/forms/template.php 1
framework/core/models/expRecord.php 12
framework/core/subsystems/database/mysqli.php 2
framework/core/subsystems/database/odbc.php 2
framework/core/subsystems/database/sqlsvr.php 2
framework/core/subsystems/expBot.php 1
framework/core/subsystems/expCore.php 4
framework/core/subsystems/expCSS.php 2
framework/core/subsystems/expDatabase.php 9
framework/core/subsystems/expHtmlToPDF.php 4
framework/core/subsystems/expJavascript.php 2
framework/core/subsystems/expLabels.php 2
framework/core/subsystems/expMail.php 11
framework/core/subsystems/expModules.php 1
framework/core/subsystems/expPaginator.php 4
framework/core/subsystems/expPermissions.php 1
framework/core/subsystems/expRouter.php 8
framework/core/subsystems/expSession.php 2
framework/core/subsystems/expTemplate.php 29
framework/core/subsystems/expTheme.php 21
framework/core/subsystems/expVersion.php 1
framework/modules/administration/controllers/administrationController.php 2
framework/modules/administration/menus/admin.php 1
framework/modules/administration/menus/y-navigation.php 1
framework/modules/banners/controllers/bannerController.php 1
framework/modules/blog/controllers/blogController.php 3
framework/modules/company/controllers/companyController.php 1
framework/modules/container/controllers/containerController.php 3
framework/modules/core/controllers/expCatController.php 1
framework/modules/core/controllers/expDefinableFieldController.php 1
framework/modules/core/controllers/expSimpleNoteController.php 5
framework/modules/core/controllers/expTagController.php 2
framework/modules/eaas/controllers/eaasController.php 1
framework/modules/ealerts/models/expeAlerts.php 1
framework/modules/ecommerce/billingcalculators/authorizedotnet.php 6
framework/modules/ecommerce/billingcalculators/cash.php 1
framework/modules/ecommerce/billingcalculators/creditcard.php 1
framework/modules/ecommerce/billingcalculators/passthru.php 3
framework/modules/ecommerce/billingcalculators/payflowpro.php 4
framework/modules/ecommerce/billingcalculators/paylater.php 1
framework/modules/ecommerce/billingcalculators/paypalExpressCheckout.php 9
framework/modules/ecommerce/billingcalculators/splitcreditcard.php 6
framework/modules/ecommerce/billingcalculators/worldpayCheckout.php 4
framework/modules/ecommerce/controllers/billingController.php 1
framework/modules/ecommerce/controllers/cartController.php 7
framework/modules/ecommerce/controllers/eventregistrationController.php 12
framework/modules/ecommerce/controllers/orderController.php 30
framework/modules/ecommerce/controllers/shippingController.php 7
framework/modules/ecommerce/definitions/orders.php 6
framework/modules/ecommerce/definitions/shippingmethods.php 4
framework/modules/ecommerce/models/billing.php 1
framework/modules/ecommerce/models/billingcalculator.php 3
framework/modules/ecommerce/models/discounts.php 1
framework/modules/ecommerce/models/order.php 6
framework/modules/ecommerce/models/order_discounts.php 2
framework/modules/ecommerce/models/shipping.php 4
framework/modules/ecommerce/models/shippingcalculator.php 1
framework/modules/ecommerce/models/shippingmethod.php 4
framework/modules/ecommerce/models/taxclass.php 1
framework/modules/ecommerce/products/models/eventregistration.php 6
framework/modules/ecommerce/products/models/giftcard.php 2
framework/modules/ecommerce/products/models/product.php 7
framework/modules/ecommerce/shippingcalculators/easypostcalculator.php 10
framework/modules/ecommerce/shippingcalculators/fedexcalculator.php 4
framework/modules/ecommerce/shippingcalculators/upscalculator.php 6
framework/modules/events/models/event.php 2
framework/modules/forms/controllers/formsController.php 9
framework/modules/help/models/help.php 1
framework/modules/importexport/controllers/importexportController.php 6
framework/modules/migration/controllers/migrationController.php 2
framework/modules/navigation/models/section.php 2
framework/modules/portfolio/controllers/portfolioController.php 1
framework/modules/recyclebin/models/recyclebin.php 1
framework/modules/report/controllers/reportController.php 4
framework/modules/text/controllers/textController.php 1
framework/modules/users/controllers/usersController.php 2
framework/modules/users/models/user.php 2
framework/plugins/block.assocarray.php 1
framework/plugins/block.toggle.php 1
framework/plugins/bootstrap/function.ddrerank.php 1
framework/plugins/bootstrap3/function.ddrerank.php 1
framework/plugins/bootstrap4/function.ddrerank.php 1
framework/plugins/bootstrap5/function.ddrerank.php 1
framework/plugins/compiler.exp_include.php 2
framework/plugins/function.chain.php 2
framework/plugins/function.control.php 4
framework/plugins/function.ddrerank.php 1
framework/plugins/function.rating.php 1
framework/plugins/function.scaffold.php 1
framework/plugins/function.userlistcontrol.php 1
framework/plugins/function.yuimenu.php 1
framework/plugins/function.yuimenubar.php 1
framework/plugins/modifier.convertlangcode.php 1
framework/plugins/newui/function.ddrerank.php 1
framework/plugins/outputfilter.trim.php 1
index.php 1
install/index.php 2
install/pages/install-3.php 1
install/upgrades/remove_oldtables.php 1
install/upgrades/upgrade_calendar.php 1
install/upgrades/upgrade_forms.php 2


Type Line Description
TODO 60 Maxims initial anonymous user implementation, we need an anonymous user record


Type Line Description
FIXME 44 PATH_RELATIVE definition will break in certain parts when the server does not offer the Document_root.
FIXME 45 Notable, it breaks in the installer.


Type Line Description
FIXME 30 not used and not actually set right index needed of -3 instead of -2 below
FIXME 31 never used, $basemodel_name replaced?
FIXME 99 this requires we move the 'core' controllers into the modules folder or use this hack
FIXME 968 already assigned in controllertemplate?
FIXME 973 $controller already assigned baseclassname (short vs long) in controllertemplate?
FIXME 1549 $object not set
FIXME 1551 $object not set
FIXME 1553 $object not set
FIXME 1577 $object not set
FIXME 1579 $object not set
FIXME 1581 $object not set


Type Line Description
FIXME 421 ? if the assoc $perm doesn't exist, the 'action' will ALWAYS be allowed, e.g., default is to allow action
FIXME 485 there is NO 'page' object and section has no _construct method
FIXME 487 there is no getModulesBySource method anywhere
FIXME 547 this works by making assumptions
FIXME 585 is this the correct sequence spot?
FIXME 704 newui take priority
FIXME 731 shoudl there be a theme newui variation?
FIXME 962 do we need to update this to HTML5 and only include the space?


Type Line Description
FIXME 58 this disables bad template code reporting 3.x
FIXME 139 only place we call this method


Type Line Description
FIXME 37 this disables bad template code reporting 3.x
FIXME 138 probably not used in 2.0?


Type Line Description
FIXME 145 this is just here until we completely deprecate the old school checkbox


Type Line Description
FIXME 55 does this mess up validation styling?


Type Line Description
FIXME 188 this shouldn't be a link
FIXME 197 this shouldn't be a link


Type Line Description
FIXME 22 this is NOT a bootstrap control, but jQuery


Type Line Description
FIXME 206 this shouldn't be a link
FIXME 215 this shouldn't be a link


Type Line Description
FIXME 53 $disable_text & $showtime are NOT used


Type Line Description
FIXME 237 this shouldn't be a link
FIXME 246 this shouldn't be a link


Type Line Description
FIXME 53 $disable_text & $showtime are NOT used


Type Line Description
FIXME 245 this shouldn't be a link
FIXME 254 this shouldn't be a link


Type Line Description
FIXME 53 $disable_text & $showtime are NOT used


Type Line Description
FIXME 148 this is just here until we completely deprecate the old school checkbox


Type Line Description
TODO 133 Convert to OO API and use eXp->EditorControl->doneInit instead


Type Line Description
FIXME 24 this is NOT a bootstrap control, but jQuery


Type Line Description
FIXME 22 this is NOT a bootstrap control, but jQuery


Type Line Description
FIXME 24 this is NOT a bootstrap control, but jQuery


Type Line Description
FIXME 24 this is NOT a bootstrap control, but jQuery
FIXME 58 $disable_text & $showtime are NOT used


Type Line Description
FIXME 24 this is NOT a bootstrap control, but jQuery


Type Line Description
FIXME 57 this is the US in sample db


Type Line Description
FIXME 125 convert to yui3 because of call to exp-tree.js


Type Line Description
FIXME 176 this shouldn't be a link
FIXME 185 this shouldn't be a link


Type Line Description
FIXME 50 $disable_text & $showtime are NOT used


Type Line Description
FIXME 26 Never used???


Type Line Description
FIXME 29 only used by calendarmodule for feedback forms


Type Line Description
TODO 28 prepare this class for multiple template systems


Type Line Description
FIXME 512 only placed used is in helpController->copydocs (though we don't have attachments), & migration
FIXME 518 plural vs single?
FIXME 519 plural vs single?
FIXME 552 we're not going to do this automagically until we get the refreshing figured out.
FIXME 700 $where .= empty($this->rank_by_field) ? null : "AND " . $this->rank_by_field . "='" . $this->$this->rank_by_field . "'";
FIXME 785 find a better way to pluralize these names!!!
FIXME 786 find a better way to pluralize these names!!!
FIXME 918 not used??
FIXME 965 is it plural where others are single?
FIXME 1029 find a better way to unpluralize the name!
TODO 1084 perhaps add a 'in' option to the find so we can pass an array of ids and make ONE db call instead of looping
FIXME 1178 not used??


Type Line Description
FIXME 485 we don't add column length??
FIXME 1639 this can run us out of memory with too many rows


Type Line Description
FIXME 724 we don't add column length??
FIXME 2014 this can run us out of memory with too many rows


Type Line Description
FIXME 714 we don't add column length??
FIXME 2014 this can run us out of memory with too many rows


Type Line Description
FIXME 46 is this better than sleep(1)? seems to make it work, but delays?


Type Line Description
FIXME 94 Hardcoded controller stuff!!
FIXME 142 $sef_name isn't set??
TODO 278 Investigate the chances of BASE occurring more than once
FIXME 581 $individual_Header is ALWAYS in $rptcols?


Type Line Description
FIXME 169 we ONLY output primercss, corecss, links, and inline styles in $params['css']... with less processing
FIXME 322 test


Type Line Description
FIXME 160 we shouldn't echo this, already installed?
FIXME 218 we shouldn't echo this, already installed?
FIXME 1518 never used
FIXME 1553 never used
FIXME 1578 never used
FIXME 1640 never used
FIXME 1846 never used
FIXME 1887 never used
FIXME 2143 never used


Type Line Description
FIXME 1472 method no longer exists???
FIXME 1484 protected property???
FIXME 1498 protected property???
FIXME 1501 method no longer exists???


Type Line Description
FIXME 518 we need to allow for an array of scripts with unique+index as name
FIXME 887 $hide & $footer are not defined below


Type Line Description
FIXME 146 die(gt("PDF output is work in progress. Check back soon :)"));
FIXME 160 need to integrate into expHTMLToPDF


Type Line Description
FIXME 166 won't work since $params['connections'] is NOT array
FIXME 167 won't work since $params['connections'] is NOT array
TODO 70 add support for telling the constructor where the system specific Mail Transit Authority is: i.e. where sendmail or exim is if not in the default /usr/sbin
TODO 70 drop support for passing in custom "connections", a Swift 3.x relic that we do not need.
TODO 70 add further documentation for using settings other than the system default
TODO 216 Update this section to use more error checking
TODO 264 May add allowing a string param to be passed as the message (text_message) using all defaults to mail it.
TODO 365 This function needs some work, some error checking. It needs to check that all of the values necessary to send a basic message are present If they are not, the system should respond in a friendly manner that something went wrong. The underlying swift errors are ugly, and so no one should ever see them.
TODO 396 Update this section to use batch processing properly
TODO 515 add support for other types of headers mentioned below, and a second pass in value/switch to specify what kind headers you are adding # Text Headers Text headers are the simplest type of Header. They contain textual information with no special information included within it for example the Subject header in a message. # Parameterized Headers Parameterized headers are text headers that contain key-value parameters following the textual content. The Content-Type header of a message is a parameterized header since it contains charset information after the content type. # Date Headers Date headers contains an RFC 2822 formatted date (i.e. what PHP's date('r') returns). They are used anywhere a date or time is needed to be presented as a message header. # Mailbox (e-mail address) Headers Mailbox headers contain one or more email addresses, possibly with personalized names attached to them. The data on which they are modeled is represented by an associative array of email addresses and names. # ID Headers ID headers contain identifiers for the entity (or the message). The most notable ID header is the Message-ID header on the message itself. # Path Headers Path headers are like very-restricted mailbox headers. They contain a single email address with no associated name. The Return-Path header of a message is a path header.
TODO 688 A nice future feature addition would be to allow the passing in of associative arrays like so: $emailsToSendTo = array('bob@smith.com'=>'Bob Smith', 'mary@smith.com'=>'Mary Smith'); $emailItem->addTo($emailsToSendTo); OR $emailItem->addTo('array('myemail@mysite.com'=>'Website Owner', 'secondemail@website.com'=>'Frank Jones'); Actually, cleanup should be done so that this function only takes associative arrays, and nothing else.


Type Line Description
FIXME 66 , not needed?


Type Line Description
FIXME 217 we don't get attachments in this approach
FIXME 266 we may want some more intelligent selection here based on cats/groups, e.g., don't break groups across pages, number of picture rows, etc...
FIXME 394 module/controller glue code
FIXME 444 return 404 error for infinite page scroll plugin


Type Line Description
FIXME 108 for v2.2.2 and earlier this was true


Type Line Description
FIXME 254 why would $user be empty here unless $db is down?
FIXME 255 debug test
FIXME 302 what are we doing with this history? saving each page load
FIXME 707 this method is never called and doesn't do anything as written
FIXME 820 need array sanitizer
FIXME 824 debug test
TODO 826 fully sanitize all params values here for ---We already do this!
FIXME 909 , we still need a good lighttpd.conf rewrite config for sef_urls to work


Type Line Description
FIXME 300 is this data used to measure abandoned carts
FIXME 475 not currently used


Type Line Description
FIXME 39 only called from basetemplate->_construct() NOT controllertemplate
FIXME 40 only place this method is called, move to this subsystem?
FIXME 58 Not Used 2.2???
FIXME 71 Not Used 2.2???
FIXME 125 Not Used 2.2???
FIXME 149 DEPRECATED: backward compatibility wrapper
FIXME 150 Not Used???
FIXME 190 only used by container 2.0 edit action
FIXME 218 we need to also look for custom & jquery & bootstrap controls and NOT assume we only subclass basic controls?
FIXME 234 we need to also look for custom & jquery & bootstrap controls and NOT assume we only subclass basic controls?
FIXME 325 remove old school module code
TODO 326 implement caching
TODO 327 optimization - walk the tree backwards and stop on the first match
TODO 337 convert everything to the new naming model
TODO 360 forms/calendar only used by calendarmodule
TODO 384 forms/calendar only used by calendarmodule
TODO 385 forms/calendar only used by calendarmodule
TODO 398 forms/calendar only used by calendarmodule
FIXME 414 old school actions were php files
TODO 427 handle subthemes
TODO 428 now that glob is used build a syntax for it instead of calling it repeatedly
TODO 443 handle the - currently unused - case where there is the same file in different $type categories
TODO 457 invent better error handling, maybe an error message channel ?
FIXME 476 only used by 1) event module edit action (email forms) & 2) expTemplate::listModuleViews for OS modules
FIXME 740 should there be a theme newui variation?
FIXME 741 should there be a theme newui variation?
FIXME 805 this function isn't called
FIXME 831 we assume the file is only a filename and NOT a path?
FIXME 843 we need to check for custom views and add full path for system views if coming from custom view


Type Line Description
FIXME 621 Not used
FIXME 630 $form is not set??
FIXME 637 Not used
FIXME 649 this should be $file instead of $filename?
FIXME 708 need to use $feed instead of $params
FIXME 948 clean our passed parameters
FIXME 949 need array sanitizer
FIXME 956 we've already sanitized at this point
FIXME 958 we've already sanitized at this point
FIXME 961 module/controller glue code..remove ASAP
FIXME 1026 only used by smarty functions, old school?
FIXME 1033 need array sanitizer
FIXME 1174 patch to cleanup module name
FIXME 1184 there is no such config index
FIXME 1225 patch to cleanup module name
FIXME 1231 let's try $sectionObj instead of last_section
FIXME 1258 not used in base system (custom themes?)
FIXME 1410 - $section might be empty! We're getting it from last_section instead of sectionObj??
FIXME 1413 let's try $sectionObj instead of last_section
FIXME 1465 patch to cleanup module name
FIXME 1538 we are checking here for a new MVC style controller or an old school module. We only need to perform


Type Line Description
FIXME 158 we need a good installation/server to place this on


Type Line Description
FIXME 28 this requires a logged in user to perform?
FIXME 875 shouldn't use echo


Type Line Description
FIXME 316 should a group admin get the entire User Management menu?


Type Line Description
FIXME 121 do we just need to let any user w/ manage page perms to get to the manage menu hierarchy and let it decide perms from there?


Type Line Description
FIXME 160 we are using a full path BASE instead of relative to root


Type Line Description
FIXME 504 $object not set
FIXME 506 $object not set
FIXME 508 $object not set


Type Line Description
TODO 123 this is a misnomer as we only accept an id NOT a title and duplicates the show() method


Type Line Description
TODO 69 we currently don't use the container cache
FIXME 158 old school config
FIXME 170 old school config


Type Line Description
FIXME 114 here is a hack to get the faq to be listed


Type Line Description
FIXME 50 $record & $tag are undefined


Type Line Description
FIXME 67 here is where we might sanitize the note before displaying/editing it
FIXME 116 here is where we might sanitize the notes before displaying them
FIXME 169 here is where we might sanitize the notes before displaying them
FIXME 210 here is where we might sanitize the note before saving it
FIXME 285 here is where we might sanitize the note before approving it


Type Line Description
FIXME 125 here is a hack to get the faq to be listed
FIXME 186 here is a hack to get the faq to be listed


Type Line Description
FIXME 82 this doesn't seem to work correctly in this scenario


Type Line Description
FIXME 58 , not pulling any items?


Type Line Description
FIXME 68 why aren't we passing $opts?
FIXME 97 "x_phone" => '309-680-5600',
FIXME 294 what to do with this?
FIXME 366 what to do with this?
FIXME 384 initialize the amount??
FIXME 439 what to do with this?


Type Line Description
FIXME 48 why aren't we passing $opts?


Type Line Description
FIXME 108 we need to display/obtain user information if we are doing a quickPay checkout???


Type Line Description
FIXME 69 doesn't match parent declaration update($params = array())
FIXME 86 never used
FIXME 167 why aren't we passing $opts?


Type Line Description
FIXME 70 why aren't we passing $opts?
FIXME 518 not sure this is correct, but we need to update billingmethod
FIXME 637 not sure this is correct, but we need to update billingmethod
FIXME 758 not sure this is correct, but we need to update billingmethod


Type Line Description
FIXME 54 why aren't we passing $opts?


Type Line Description
TODO 23 make into php5 class with access modifiers proprities and all that jazz.
FIXME 261 why aren't we passing $opts?
FIXME 293 why aren't we passing $opts?
FIXME 379 , what can we do with the note returned?
FIXME 390 only true if mode is 'sale'
FIXME 488 what about multiple captures?
FIXME 568 we probably need a payment_status
FIXME 664 we probably need a payment_status
FIXME 986 Deprecated now in favor of above standard


Type Line Description
TODO 47 I don't think this is used any more but i don't have a clue
FIXME 55 why aren't we passing $opts?
FIXME 61 this is where we lose the split credit card data
FIXME 186 we do NOT want the global $order
FIXME 203 we do NOT want the global $order
FIXME 215 we don't store a 'token'


Type Line Description
TODO 23 make into php5 class with access modifiers properties and all that jazz.
FIXME 122 already unserialized?? == $opts???
FIXME 130 is 'complete' and $grand_total proper?
FIXME 178 we don't store a 'token'


Type Line Description
FIXME 117 we need to ensure our default calculator is still active


Type Line Description
FIXME 115 shouldn't this be relegated to $product->addToCart???
FIXME 173 though currently unused we don't account for minimym nor multiple quantity settings
FIXME 602 $opts is usually empty
FIXME 736 $comment doesn't exist
FIXME 797 we exit earlier if shipping_required???
TODO 848 $shipping = new shipping();
FIXME 858 $opts is usually empty


Type Line Description
FIXME 287 we only have 0=active & 2=inactive ???
TODO 345 should we pull in an existing reservation already in the cart to edit? e.g., the registrants
FIXME 346 we only have 0=active & 2=inactive ???
FIXME 492 only used by the eventregistration_form view (no method)
FIXME 505 $product doesn't exist
FIXME 549 change this to forms table
FIXME 599 $opts doesn't exist
FIXME 870 if $registrant->value != $this->params['value'] update order/invoice w/ new quantity???
FIXME 943 we don't have a 'guest' definable field type
FIXME 1045 reset & pulled from above
FIXME 1046 // $header[] = gt('Event');
FIXME 1141 this is never used


Type Line Description
FIXME 121 this sql isn't correct???
FIXME 195 we don't really want to 'pop' it off the object
FIXME 219 what about new orders with no items??
FIXME 233 what about new orders with no items??
FIXME 314 we'll use the tc param for now
FIXME 448 uncomment to implement, comment out above
FIXME 457 uncomment to implement, comment out above
FIXME 698 never used
FIXME 859 Unless you need each mail sent separately, you can now set 'to'=>$email_addys and let expMail send a single email to all addresses
FIXME 906 we should also be getting the order status name
FIXME 1039 already unserialized???
FIXME 1044 credit card doesn't have a result
FIXME 1071 should this be discrete??
FIXME 1084 should it always be the grand total???
FIXME 1096 only getting 1st one and then removing it
FIXME 1136 for now multiple shipping methods will crash ecom with shipping->__construct()
FIXME 1179 check for existing rate, if not get next cheapest? (based on predefined package?)
FIXME 1192 updated with new options we may need to take action on like tracking number?
FIXME 1265 should we add the params to the $sm->shipping_options, or pass them??
FIXME 1394 do we need to do this?
FIXME 1530 add a fake item?
FIXME 1560 only getting 1st one and then removing it
FIXME 1599 only getting 1st one and then removing it
FIXME 1679 we don't use selectedOpts?
FIXME 1709 only getting 1st one and then removing it
FIXME 1816 only getting 1st one and thenremoving it
FIXME 1834 attempt to update w/ new billing transaction
FIXME 1860 we need to be able to call this from program with $params also, addToOrder
FIXME 1881 attempt to update w/ new billing transaction
FIXME 1940 attempt to update w/ new billing transaction


Type Line Description
FIXME 62 we do NOT want the global $order
FIXME 66 a lot of work just to get one set of data since we'll be doing it again for cart/checkout redisplay...maybe cache???
FIXME 103 do we ever call this?
FIXME 105 we do NOT want the global $order
FIXME 108 perhaps check for cached rates if calculator didn't change???
FIXME 138 this model has no listPrices() method???
FIXME 208 we need to ensure our default calculator is still active...not sure this does it


Type Line Description
FIXME 49 we may need to move this to the shippingmethod
FIXME 53 we may need to move this to the shippingmethod
FIXME 58 here because we currently only allow one package?
FIXME 62 we may want this since there is only one and NOT many?
FIXME 82 is this actual or estimated, move this to the shippingmethod?
FIXME 132 deprecated order gift message??


Type Line Description
FIXME 28 needed to activate the has_many assignment
FIXME 88 is this a 'shipping_options' item??
FIXME 92 moved from orders table
FIXME 96 moved from orders table


Type Line Description
FIXME 56 we do NOT want the global $order


Type Line Description
FIXME 332 this is only the 'results' property unlike $bm???
FIXME 333 what is this used for?
FIXME 334 we need a transaction_state of complete, authorized, authorization pending, error, void, or refunded; or paid or payment due


Type Line Description
FIXME 118 we do NOT want the global $order


Type Line Description
FIXME 27 in reality we only have one billingmethod???
FIXME 41 we don't seem to use this
FIXME 65 we could auto-associate these with has_many
FIXME 67 we could auto-associate these with get_assoc_for
TODO 663 We need to use produce_price_adjusted in the loops to accommodate for more than one discount
FIXME 763 not written for multiple shipments/destinations


Type Line Description
FIXME 37 this has a global $order
FIXME 55 we do NOT want the global $order, but it's not used


Type Line Description
FIXME 33 we don't use this in shipping, only order?
FIXME 36 we do NOT want the global $order
FIXME 87 , we don't really need to call it each time the shipping model is created! slows entire system down!
FIXME 231 we need to get current address here


Type Line Description
FIXME 60 probably needs to be passed order object


Type Line Description
FIXME 26 does this fix the situation??
FIXME 50 this has a global $order
FIXME 54 we do NOT want the global $order
FIXME 56 update the shippingmethod id for each orderitem..again, this is only here until we implement split shipping.


Type Line Description
FIXME 67 we need to ensure any applicable origin tax is at the top of the list


Type Line Description
FIXME 38 only if a cost is involved
FIXME 244 not sure this accurate based on expDefinableFields & Forms
FIXME 376 for now we'll just add a new registration 'purchase' to the cart since that's the way the code flows.
FIXME 379 we are adding updating an existing item in the cart??
FIXME 572 we need to be dealing w/ eventregistration_registrants here also/primarily
FIXME 683 there is no 3rd param for this


Type Line Description
FIXME 114 we're missing the category, but we don't give gifts categories?
FIXME 115 $catConfig doesn't exist


Type Line Description
FIXME 143 Make this actually do something.
FIXME 206 adjust multiple quantity here
FIXME 236 adjust multiple quantity here for child products???
FIXME 414 adjust multiple quantity here
FIXME 498 was this replaced by orderitem->getFormattedExtraData() ? It's not used
FIXME 1006 $product_type is not set, changed to $product->product_type
FIXME 1074 not sure why we are creating 2 array entries??


Type Line Description
FIXME 236 for now just doing a single package
FIXME 254 end single package
FIXME 286 we need to begin adding the rates per package here
FIXME 323 we need to begin adding the rates per package here
FIXME 333 single package
FIXME 337 single package
FIXME 449 old code
FIXME 552 not sure we need to get/save these???
FIXME 577 we need to select the correct carrier/method based on package type/size
FIXME 676 not sure we need to get/save these???


Type Line Description
FIXME 191 we need to be able to set this
FIXME 197 we need to be able to set this
FIXME 229 we need to be able to set this
FIXME 235 we need to be able to set this


Type Line Description
FIXME 116 kludge for the giftcard shipping
FIXME 152 we need to be able to set this
FIXME 157 we need to be able to set this
FIXME 185 we need to be able to set this
FIXME 190 we need to be able to set this
FIXME 205 adding a $5 fee if shipping a gift card???


Type Line Description
FIXME 210 hack in case the day of week wasn't checked off
FIXME 278 hack in case the day of week wasn't checked off


Type Line Description
FIXME 1371 change this to an expValidator call
FIXME 1408 we also need to update any config column_names_list settings?
FIXME 1749 should we default to only 5 columns or all columns? and should we pick up modules columns ($this->config) or just form defaults ($f->)
FIXME 1918 $individual_Header is ALWAYS in $rptcols?
FIXME 1982 we need to echo inside call
FIXME 2002 check for duplicate form data table name before import?
FIXME 2081 quick hack to remove file model
FIXME 2146 $form->meta("delimiter", $this->params["delimiter"]);
FIXME 2267 quick hack to remove file model


Type Line Description
FIXME 211 $where .= empty($this->rank_by_field) ? null : "AND " . $this->rank_by_field . "='" . $this->$this->rank_by_field . "'";


Type Line Description
FIXME 173 this may crash on large .eql files
FIXME 224 this may crash on large .eql files
FIXME 283 we can't handle file attachments since this is only a db import
FIXME 402 we need to echo inside call
FIXME 626 this is where canonical should be
FIXME 854 this is where canonical should be


Type Line Description
TODO 309 this doesn't work w/ php 5.2
FIXME 2283 do we want to add a forms_id field?


Type Line Description
FIXME 381 if we delete the module & sectionref the module completely disappears
FIXME 384 more module/controller glue code


Type Line Description
FIXME 89 we need to change this to expPaginator to get category grouping


Type Line Description
FIXME 109 we should only send module with sources or configs to the recycle bin NOT things like rss, addressbook


Type Line Description
FIXME 156 OLD calendar control format
FIXME 1036 there is no billingmethod->title ...this is translated??
FIXME 2007 this is NOT in import
FIXME 2050 this is NOT in import


Type Line Description
FIXME 116 we don't load any custom stuff in this view except skin & plugins


Type Line Description
FIXME 336 why are we doing this? this loads the edited user perms over the current user???
FIXME 1466 needs to be the newer fail form


Type Line Description
FIXME 83 will be empty for new ldap user
FIXME 310 who should get a slingbar? any non-view permissions? new group setting?


Type Line Description
FIXME 144 we discard this result?


Type Line Description
FIXME 63 replace w/ a system default?


Type Line Description
FIXME 74 we don't seem to get a container var


Type Line Description
FIXME 74 we don't seem to get a container var


Type Line Description
FIXME 73 we don't seem to get a container var


Type Line Description
FIXME 74 we don't seem to get a container var


Type Line Description
FIXME 98 we assume the file is only a filename and NOT a path?
FIXME 114 we need to check for custom views and add full path for system views if coming from custom view


Type Line Description
FIXME 33 old school way of calling?
FIXME 41 old school only?


Type Line Description
FIXME 303 this is the US in sample db
FIXME 390 we don't really use this
FIXME 391 we don't really use this
FIXME 608 is value always == default?


Type Line Description
FIXME 72 we don't seem to get a container var


Type Line Description
FIXME 55 we need to be able to get a expRating record based on:


Type Line Description
FIXME 55 $default_value is NOT set


Type Line Description
TODO 40 should we display username w/ first/last name in parens or first/last name?


Type Line Description
FIXME 32 convert to yui3


Type Line Description
FIXME 32 convert to yui3


Type Line Description
FIXME 35 this plugin isn't used, but this will at least return something


Type Line Description
FIXME 74 we don't seem to get a container var


Type Line Description
TODO 33 substr_replace() is not overloaded by mbstring.func_overload - so this function might fail!


Type Line Description
FIXME 149 timeout before closing an empty pdf or html2pdf error window


Type Line Description
FIXME 73 is this still necessary?
FIXME 128 we need to output this into an element and not simply out on the page


Type Line Description
FIXME 307 not sure if we should do this?


Type Line Description
FIXME 24 this is NEVER run!


Type Line Description
FIXME 253 we also need to copy any .form & .config files


Type Line Description
FIXME 101 do we want to add a forms_id field?
FIXME 212 ???

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